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QB Profi
Bochemit BS 52
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Forte Profi
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High-Quality Timber as the Basis for Modern Timber Buildings High-Quality Timber as the Basis for Modern Timber Buildings Currently 24.3.2025 Prevention, prevention, and more prevention! Prevention, prevention, and more prevention! Currently 5.3.2025 Support wooden buildings and win Bochemit in the Wooden Building of the Year survey Support wooden buildings and win Bochemit in the Wooden Building of the Year survey Currently 24.2.2025 Helping to protect the cultural heritage of the Czech Republic Helping to protect the cultural heritage of the Czech Republic Currently 9.1.2025 German Timber Congress 2024 in Düsseldorf German Timber Congress 2024 in Düsseldorf Currently 4.12.2024 "Proper impregnation is essential, and fortunately people are aware of this." "Proper impregnation is essential, and fortunately people are aware of this." Currently 11.10.2024 BIFE-SIM trade fair, or how to turn your house into a comfortable home BIFE-SIM trade fair, or how to turn your house into a comfortable home Currently 2.10.2024 “Drema Forest” aka our action to promote sustainability and environmental protection “Drema Forest” aka our action to promote sustainability and environmental protection Currently 18.9.2024 We participated in the International Timber Trade Fair in Klagenfurt, Austria We participated in the International Timber Trade Fair in Klagenfurt, Austria Currently 11.9.2024 Change of the company's registered office Change of the company's registered office Currently 24.7.2024 Bochemit opened the season with Impregnace Soběslav Bochemit opened the season with Impregnace Soběslav Currently 23.5.2024 Bochemit has entered the elite of the German timber industry Bochemit has entered the elite of the German timber industry Currently 10.4.2024 Congratulations to the winner of the Timber Building of the Year 2023 poll Congratulations to the winner of the Timber Building of the Year 2023 poll Currently 3.4.2024 Bochemit at the prestigious trade fair in Riga Bochemit at the prestigious trade fair in Riga Currently 28.3.2024 Win Bochemit in the Timber Building of the Year! Win Bochemit in the Timber Building of the Year! Currently 20.3.2024 Important changes in the Bochemit product portfolio Important changes in the Bochemit product portfolio Currently 15.2.2024 Bochemit and PROPAMÁTKY: Together we protect our cultural heritage! Bochemit and PROPAMÁTKY: Together we protect our cultural heritage! Currently 9.2.2024 Bochemit is collaborating with Thermo Sanace Bochemit is collaborating with Thermo Sanace Currently 4.1.2024 International Timber Day - Der Internationale Holztag 2023 International Timber Day - Der Internationale Holztag 2023 Currently 26.9.2023 Get a sample of Bochemit Estetik Profi Get a sample of Bochemit Estetik Profi Currently 21.7.2023 Master’s Thesis on Bochemit Master’s Thesis on Bochemit Currently 3.7.2023 Sales Days of L&Š of Nitra Sales Days of L&Š of Nitra Currently 9.6.2023 Bochemit participated in the biggest construction event in Latvia Bochemit participated in the biggest construction event in Latvia Currently 18.4.2023 The “Māja I” building fair Take part in the “Wooden Building of the Year” online poll and win Bochemit products Take part in the “Wooden Building of the Year” online poll and win Bochemit products Currently 14.2.2023 Vote in our online poll This year we are again supporting projects run by the Institute for Historic Buildings and Culture This year we are again supporting projects run by the Institute for Historic Buildings and Culture Currently 20.1.2023 It makes sense to us to preserve historic buildings Safety data sheets according to Article 31, Regulation 1907/2006 (REACH) Safety data sheets according to Article 31, Regulation 1907/2006 (REACH) Currently 15.12.2022 Largest open-air colour palette of Bochemit Estetik Profi Largest open-air colour palette of Bochemit Estetik Profi Currently 19.5.2022 UNI HOBBY are big fans of Bochemit Estetik Profi! BAL SLOVAKIA Presentation Day BAL SLOVAKIA Presentation Day Currently 6.4.2022 Bochemit Estetik Profi now on sale here Bochemit mentioned in a textbook Bochemit mentioned in a textbook Currently 11.3.2022 Carpentry Construction We Continue to Support Monument Conservation We Continue to Support Monument Conservation Currently 24.2.2022 For the sixth year running, we are working with the Czech Institute for Monuments and Culture Win Bochemit wood treatment products and a chainsaw Win Bochemit wood treatment products and a chainsaw Currently 18.2.2022 Vote in the “Wooden Building of the Year 2022” annual poll. Online Construction Fair 2022 Online Construction Fair 2022 Currently 17.1.2022 This weekend: 21–23 January. Admission is free. Get an exclusive fair discount of 15% on all Bochemit impregnation products. Bochemit joins new Association of Chemical Industry campaign Bochemit joins new Association of Chemical Industry campaign Currently 22.11.2021 Chemistry Helps Bochemit at the Timber Construction and Roofing Festival Bochemit at the Timber Construction and Roofing Festival Currently 8.9.2021 Come visit us on 18 September 2020 in Jílovice! Just as processed timber is protected by Bochemit products, our cardboard packaging protects the world’s forests Just as processed timber is protected by Bochemit products, our cardboard packaging protects the world’s forests Currently 1.7.2021 Bochemit products is forestry and nature-friendly We’re launching our e-shop in Poland We’re launching our e-shop in Poland Currently 7.6.2021 Shop quickly and easily at www.bochemitshop.pl Webinar on Impregnation of Structural Timber Webinar on Impregnation of Structural Timber Currently 29.3.2021 By means of a webinar, we again got involved in this professional chamber’s Bochemit products now come hermetically sealed Bochemit products now come hermetically sealed Currently 8.3.2021 We are now using a new seal-stop cap. Wooden Building of the Year 2020 poll winner collects prize Wooden Building of the Year 2020 poll winner collects prize Currently 4.3.2021 Bochemit impregnation products and a chainsaw valued at CZK 10,000 Our Support for Monument Conservation Continues Our Support for Monument Conservation Continues Currently 15.1.2021 We are not indifferent to the fate of the monuments We’ve got new videos out! We’ve got new videos out! Currently 2.12.2020 They show how professionals carry out dipping and vacuum-pressure impregnation. Seminar on “Surface Treatment of Wood and Wooden Elements in Historic Buildings” Seminar on “Surface Treatment of Wood and Wooden Elements in Historic Buildings” Currently 27.11.2020 We gave an online seminar about Bochemit’s wood-impregnation process. Bochemit wasn’t to be missed at this year’s Timber Construction and Roofing Festival Bochemit wasn’t to be missed at this year’s Timber Construction and Roofing Festival Currently 18.9.2020 For the second consecutive year, we took part in the Timber Construction and Roofing Festival Watch our videos on how to apply impregnation coatings and sprays Watch our videos on how to apply impregnation coatings and sprays Currently 31.7.2020 See how easy it is to impregnate wood We are expanding Bochemit Estetik’s colour palette We are expanding Bochemit Estetik’s colour palette Currently 29.5.2020 Besides our traditional shades, you can now opt for a chic white or grey coat. Bochemit lends its support to the Wooden Building of the Year Bochemit lends its support to the Wooden Building of the Year Currently 2.4.2020 Bochemit Mildew Remover is effective against Coronavirus Bochemit Mildew Remover is effective against Coronavirus Currently 24.3.2020 BOCHEMIT Mildew remover is also an effective disinfectant against Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, which causes the onset of COVID-19. Bochemie Delivered a Lecture at the University of West Bohemia in Plzeň Bochemie Delivered a Lecture at the University of West Bohemia in Plzeň Currently 22.1.2020 The lecture, on the topic of “Impregnation (Chemical Protection) of Structural Timber”, was intended for Civil Engineering students and was part of the Wooden Structures II module headed by Ing.… Bochemit attends the Annual Wood and Furniture Industry Conference in Bulgaria Bochemit attends the Annual Wood and Furniture Industry Conference in Bulgaria Currently 18.12.2019 The Annual Wood and Furniture Industry Conference is the biggest fair of its type in Bulgaria. It was held on 29 November 2019 in Borovets, a town nestled in the oldest mountain resort in the Balkans… Bochemit at the Timber Construction and Roofing Festival 2019 Bochemit at the Timber Construction and Roofing Festival 2019 Currently 25.10.2019 At Bochemit we understand wood. So we weren’t going to miss out on last weekend’s Wooden Construction and Roofing Festival which NEMA, spol. s r.o., a company based in Olešnice, South Bohemia, hosted… BOCHEMIT Antiflash picks up award from the Czech Professional Chamber of Fire Protection BOCHEMIT Antiflash picks up award from the Czech Professional Chamber of Fire Protection Currently 1.6.2019 In line with tradition, the Presiding Committee of the Czech Professional Chamber of Fire Protection (PKPO) has announced the winners of its prestigious "Golden Flame” Chamber members’ awards. The… We Presented a Lecture on Impregnation in Practice to the Next Generation of Professionals We Presented a Lecture on Impregnation in Practice to the Next Generation of Professionals Currently 22.5.2019 We were delighted to take up the offer of the Secondary School of Civil Engineering (SSCE) in Opava, as we presented our practical experience in wood impregnation to apprentices and students of… Bochemit conquers the Russian market Bochemit conquers the Russian market Currently 17.4.2019 With the construction season set to begin, Bochemit has launched its new phase aimed at entering the Russian market. The launch came at the prestigious Facade trade fair in Kaliningrad, Russia, an… Bochemit Antiflash sparks interest at Latvian trade fair Bochemit Antiflash sparks interest at Latvian trade fair Currently 2.4.2019 As has become traditional, this year we took part in the ”Māja I“ international construction trade fair in Riga, the largest construction event in Latvia, through our exclusive Baltic business… Bochemit shined at the leading Bulgarian building trade fair Bochemit shined at the leading Bulgarian building trade fair Currently 22.3.2019 Bochemit is a highly successful brand in Bulgaria, enjoying a dominantmarket share in both the anti-pest wood impregnation and appearance wood finish segments. With that said, Bochemit can hardly be… Brand-new BOCHEMIT Pyro – effective wood fire protection Brand-new BOCHEMIT Pyro – effective wood fire protection Currently 13.2.2019 We provided training to PPG SK’s sales personnel We provided training to PPG SK’s sales personnel Currently 31.1.2019 We Support Heritage Protection in the Czech Republic We Support Heritage Protection in the Czech Republic Currently 28.1.2019 Wood has been a basic building block since time immemorial. When used in ideal conditions, it can last for tens, hundreds and in some cases thousands of years. Bochemit Is Helping Preserve Romania’s Cultural Heritage Bochemit Is Helping Preserve Romania’s Cultural Heritage Currently 10.1.2019 In co-operation with Romanian distributor Deposib Expert, Czech firm Bochemit has joined the effort to restore and preserve heritage monuments in Romania as part of a charity project of Charles,… Bochemit has its own website Bochemit has its own website Currently 13.12.2018 We are active in the lifelong learning of designer engineers. We are active in the lifelong learning of designer engineers. Currently 23.5.2018